
Disaster Response

Our shelters are used across the world as hubs for responding to major disaster. FEMA and DHHS teams have used Western Shelters in response to every major hurricane over the past 24 years. We have a strong pedigree when it comes to creating solutions that help out in disasters; whether it’s a natural disaster in a heavily populated metropolitan area or hard to reach mountainous village, our shelters are there to answer the call.


Disaster response Applications

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Incident Command

In disaster response situations, an effective incident command center is critical. Our inherently modular shelters are well suited to serve as incident command centers, and are easily outfitted with additional components to more effectively respond to a fluid situation.

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Search and Rescue

Our shelters are easy to assemble and stand up to the planet’s harshest conditions. This is why they have become the preferred choice for FEMA US&R teams in their missions throughout the world. Whether used for searcher billeting, logistical support, rehab, or equipment storage and maintenance, our shelters stand up to the test.

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Medical Clinics

Having sanitary, safe, and secure medical clinics is absolutely necessary when it comes to responding to disaster. That’s why we offer a full suite of products to create effective medical clinics. Container based and trailer products go hand in hand with our soft sided shelters to make effective medical clinics.

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Responder Billeting

Housing shouldn’t be an afterthought when responding to disaster. Responders work long, tiring days, and should have a place to recover that’s as comfortable as possible. We create full camp solutions that answer the needs of disaster responders, with showers, toilets, and more.


Contact Us

Western Shelter is your partner when it comes to responding to disasters. Please fill out the form below, and one of our sales managers will get in contact with you directly.